I am the head maintenance man at a small college. More than a year ago I had to go into a narrow passage way to fix a heat vent. That is when I discovered I could see into the girls locker room and simply replace the feed. Ever since then I go in there at least twice a week and masturbate as I watch the girls come out of the showers naked. By now I have probably seen every one that’s involved in a sports team and at times have seen female professors naked. Over all this time its impossible to know how many girls I have seen nude. Between the varsity and JV teams there has to be almost 100. Most of the time I watch them is after their practice. A lot of these young women shave their pubic hair and I have seen every size breasts there could be. There are very few people running the school who even know this passage way exists. I’ve been working here for almost 5 years and would have never found it if the girls locker room vent wasn’t getting heat in the winter months.
Tags: breasts, lockerroom, naked